Sunday, August 7, 2011

How to make a Diabetic Chocolate Cake: Diabetic Cake or real Food?

I am a big fan of chocolate cake, when I was diabetic I was told I could not eat cake. I learned later that the belief that I could not eat as a normal person was complete nonsense. The many readers of this site know I have now reversed my diabetes without drugs. Diabetes drugs almost cost me my heart. My legs were swollen(feet) on a diabetes medication. Diabetic chocolate cake? No way, I eat normal chocolate cake and learned how to keep my blood sugar normal.

I was determined to reverse my “Borderline Diabetes” (Actually I was considered fully diabetic). I have learned that the key to reversing diabetes is in the healing of the body. My current diet has held my blood sugar normal for about six months. What have I learned since revering my blood sugar problem? I have learned that I can eat like everybody else. I actually refuse to be denied “normal food” How to make a Diabetic chocolate cake was one of the first question I asked when I was diagnosed. You see, chocolate is very important to me and I love eating it! When the body is healed you can eat what you like.

I was determined to reverse my diabetes, after my bad experience with diabetic medications I was determine to get a normal blood sugar level ( and normal Ac1 level) without drugs. I will not say my diet will work for everybody but it does work for me. It takes a lot of work to find the right diabetes diet, most are junk. It takes more than sugar free to stop diabetes. I have received many request for more blog posts and I will try to write more often. Those interested may see my diet here Spirit Happy Diet

This diet works fro me but everyone must find what works est for them. Until next time..Take care

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