Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Getting help for being overweight is one thing bullying is another

Overweight help and idiots: I am sadden to report a recent story of a 10 year old little girl who was being bullied for being overweight. She was called slut and ugly, all at age 10. This weekend she killed herself. If we can think back maybe we can remember how important it was to be “liked” when we were in school. Maybe we were teased or maybe we were the idiots who bullied others. Overweight help issues are not resolved by people who make fun of you. Bullies do this because they are simply not raise correctly. This can produce evil children or adults.

There are evil children and adults make no mistakes about it. I am sorry but those who know me and this site know that I will tell it like it is. There are evil children who persecute other children. I can remember a girl who was tormented day and night when I was a kid of about 8. She was literally beaten and chased daily and I will never forget it!

I wish I could go back and do something but it is too late. I have been overweight most of my life but I am also the football player type so no one ever picked on me. It was my adult borderline diabetes that got me to address my overweight help issues.

The little girl I mentioned at the top of this article killed herself over this weekend. Her grandmother and sitter told how she begged to be home schooled but no one listened. We often tell the children it will be OK, go back to school. There are children who are evil who come from evil parents, they continue the cycle of abuse on others. If you are overweight and need help those who read this site know how I reversed both issues(just read the posts here)

As for the girl who committed suicide. I pray she is in God's rest away from the evil people that many of us are forced to go to school and work with.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Stop food cravings and learn where they came from..the real deal

I am a food lover but I needed to stop food cravings that were taking over my life. The problem as most of you know is that I was 25 or 30 pounds over weight and had borderline diabetes. When the medications got me sicker I vowed to reverse this crap naturally. Those who have followed this site know I love food and that is not going to change. I did learn to stop food cravings and learned a lot about myself from a very powerful report

I have completely reversed my diabetes drug free and those who have been with this site know that it took me over 1 year to find a diet that worked. I use The Spirit Happy diet and it worked for me but this post is not about that. When I first heard about how over 500 people stopped a food addiction on their own by finding the root cause of the addiction I thought this is not for me. I am a real guy and this sounded like something from Oprah or worst Dr.Phil. But I did need help to stop the food cravings so I checked it out.

Those who know this site know that will turn myself into a human guinea pig to see what works. Well, I was shocked when I learned a lot about myself from the report. I found my own clues to where my food addiction started. In short it worked. I am now under no guilt when I eat and have learned why I have a food addiction. I eat what I want when I want and I still stop the craving. This is a VERY deep report and some of it is very sad or shocking but I guarantee you will learn where and how to stop food cravings.

Those who want to check it out can see it HERE stop food cravings

This is a very strong report but that is how I like it

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Diet for Diabetic Overweight: Should the diabetic diet battle the overweight issue first?

For those who have asked me should people diet to stop the diabetic or overweight problem first. (Basically I am asked which should people address first the diabetes or the weight problem) At this point I think we should take a look at how both affect the body. Obesity is horrible, it causes a host of problems in the body. A diet for Diabetic overweight conditions would be best but let's break it up into two for now.

Studies show that being even 10 pound overweight causes the heart to work harder. The heart takes a beating while beating(funny but true)

Any excessive weight is added stress to the body organs and this can cause you big trouble. That pain in the chest or shortness of breath is no joke. It must be taken seriously. If you are some what out of breath when walking up a flight of steps(without hurrying up the steps) it can mean the heart is not up for the battle. Often weight gain comes with clogged arteries and this a can also cause shortness of breath. The heart is an amazing creation from the Creator and we often take it for granted until it stops beating correctly. Fat also hurts you liver and kidneys. We could go on about the issues of weight gain but lets switch over to diabetes

Diet for Diabetic Overweight: Which to deal with first?

Diabetes is a whole different situation, here we are taking about an illness where high blood sugar damages every cell of the body, the powerful high glucose rips through the body and cause lost of legs, heart disease, damaged kidneys and impotence. There is diabetic comas and heart attacks. You simply cannot live long with this high glucose, it is the worst! Both weight gain and high blood sugar ruin the body but diabetes may be the worst complete illness of our time, the body cannot handle excess blood sugar . You must reverse it!

Diet for Diabetic Overweight: Which First? My diabetes diet does both, I lost 25 pounds without knowing it on my current diet. I also have a normal blood sugar for the last 7 months. So to answer the question I think to save your life you better get a normal blood sugar level fast! The people who lose body parts are those who wait and leave the high glucose in the system for too long.

My diet works for me BUT I do not know if you will have the same results. It is used by thousands in Europe

I cannot guarantee you will have the same results as me but it does work for me. Those interested can try it here CLICK HERE DIET FOR DIABETIC OVERWEIGHT

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I am Pre diabetic: Why you need to lose the Pre Diabetic Recipes and reverse this illness

I received an email today stating “I am Pre diabetic, help need recipes” You can reverse this illness without any diabetic foods. I did it and will not stop telling people that they can do it to. Diabetic foods are the worst and they will not help you reverse the illness. I am particularly moved when I hear someone has borderline diabetes(as I did). Today “ I am Pre needed” was my first email. I wrote a post about this last week but I thought it was necessary to make this post clearer.

You want REAL food to heal not diabetic food

The first thing people must do is lose the diabetic foods and recipes. This is the wrong way to approach the illness. There are only healing foods and non healing foods. I learned this from my diet plan that has left me free of diabetes for now 7 months. The diabetic food makers profit millions while not curing you of the illness. When someone is borderline diabetic I urge them to reverse the illness fast and not to fall into the “I am Pre diabetic need recipes” mentality. This will keep you hooked for life as a diabetic. Type 2 Diabetes is 100 percent reversible and I am live proof of this.

When My doctor first told me I was diabetic I was shocked and sad. I hated the label diabetic. I was told “Don't worry, many people live with this illness” Thank God I learned I do not have to “live” with this illness. If your doctor has not told you this in 100 percent reversible then get a new doctor. The “I am Pre diabetic need recipes” mentality will keep you hooked on the medications and the belief that you must have this illness for life. I have reversed my diabetes for now 7 months with a normal Ac1 level and normal blood sugar level. My diet plan taught me “How” to heal the illness and eat like a normal person “No diabetic foods”! Just real foods that gives a normal blood sugar. The answer is to heal the body and the illness goes away.

You can try my diet plan that worked for me or you can find your own, but the key is to heal the body not a sugar free diet. Those interested can see my diet here Pre diabetic recipes

What can I do to lose weight? How I lost 25 pounds by mistake

I am not an expert but I was asked by a reader “What can I do to lose weight”. I have lost 20 pounds quickly and healthfully and many people have written to me asking how I did it. To those who read this blog regularly you know that I was about 20-25 pounds overweight, I had borderline diabetes and needed to lose the fat. I thought “What can I do to lose weight? But the answers were not coming. I discovered the secret to my weight loss by mistake.

Avoid the popular Diets they do not work

My first advice is to avoid the popular diets, Weight Watchers,South Beach,17 day diet and Dukan are all a waste of time. These diets try to hook you for life as a consumer. If these diets worked so well why is there still just a huge obesity crisis worldwide? I am an average guy who was not obese, I like food and I like to eat. I looked pretty normal in my clothes with maybe a little belly but nothing huge. My first thought was reversing my borderline diabetes not what can I do to lose weight. I discovered how to lose weight when my diabetic medications almost killed me. Drugs are garbage and learned that healing the body with diet is fun and better.

I tried 6 different popular diets and they all failed. The big commercial diets are the worst and I say AVOID THEM, they are popular because they spend millions on advertisements not because they work. My diabetes diet (number 7..hey I didn’t give up until one worked) works well and I have a normal blood sugar going on 7 months. What I did not realize was that I was losing weight without trying, as my body healed the weight came off. I am now a firm believer that when you heal the body the weight comes off easy, this is what happened to me. My current diet plan teaches me to heal the body first and the weight comes off. What can I do to lose weight? The question was answered for me without me trying. I eat Pizza, Hotdogs,Chocolate Cake,Carrot cake..etc. I eat no “Diabetic cakes or diabetic foods” only real food and I have a normal Ac1 and blood sugar now. I have also lost 25 pounds. To the thousands who read this site I say the right diet plan will change your life

The lesson is clear when you heal the body right the weight melts off easily. As always, I end my posts saying you can try my diet plan, it worked for me but I do not know if it will work for you


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Can Type 2 Diabetes be reversed? What the Media does not tell you can hurt you

Can Type 2 Diabetes be reversed is a common question amongst the millions of people who live with this illness. I can assure you that the disease is 100 percent reversible. I can say this because I did it. I am no better than anyone else with the illness but I did learn that it can be cured. If you are asking can Type 2 Diabetes be reversed? the answer is yes.

The Little media attention for those who have reversed the illness

The media is not interested in people who have cured an illness. It is the Media's job to deliver news that shock people, it is usually something bad. "If it bleeds it leads" is a popular phrase in the television news industry. Basically, the more violent the news the more people will watch. Health stories often promote the horrible statistics of obesity and diabetes. It is a fact that the number of people with diabetic high blood sugar is exploding. This is big news and very important. The problem is those who have beaten an illness do not get the same media coverage. Can Type 2 Diabetes be reversed? Yes it can but many people with this illness never learn that it can be cured.

The fact that this information does not reach the general public causes a huge problem. There are millions of people with Type 2 Diabetes believing that they must take diabetic medications for the rest of their lives. Many doctors have also ignored the fact that high blood sugar can be reversed without drugs or medications. I have heard doctors say that they did not believe patients would follow the right changes to cure their diabetes so they prescribe medications instead. I will admit this is some what true. When I reversed my diabetes I had to actually follow what my diet plan suggested. Can Type 2 Diabetes be reversed? Yes but you must follow a good diabetes reversal diet.

I followed what my plan said and I have not had diabetes for now half a year. You can beat the illness and heal. You can find your own diet plan to reverse the illness.

The Spirit Happy Diet works great for me but I do not know if it will do the same for you. Regardless please find a good Diabetes diet and reverse the illness. Those interested may use the diet I am on SEE HERE DIABETIC OVERWEIGHT

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I am diabetic what do i eat? Pre Diabetic what do I eat list?...NO WAY

I am Pre diabetic what do i eat? I am going to turn this question around a bit and focus on “How” to eat. I think one of the problems with a diabetes diet is the “LIST”. We know the list as the good foods and bad food that we can or cannot consume. The “list” is a bad idea that has never worked and will continue to fail. “I am diabetic what do i eat?” is a good question but the answer is not found in a “list”


When I was first diagnosed with diabetes I did not know what to eat and was given a “List” from my doctor. He meant well but it did not really work for me. I am a typical guy and I love food. I NEED pizza, beer, doughnuts and bread. Chocolate cake and Carrot cake are my favorites. My doctor's list did not have any of these things on it. The list he gave me was the typical elimination list where all the fun stuff was missing. I asked “i am diabetic what do i eat” and I did not like the answer! Then I learned to reverse diabetes with a healing diet. When you eat with healing you can enjoy some junk food. I have reversed my Pre diabetes and have had a normal Ac1 and Blood sugar for half a year without medications. I eat what like and learn how to reverse a blood sugar rise.

The typical list of what not to eat will never reverse your diabetes, the answer to reversing diabetes is in a healing diet not in a no-no list. Now maybe you are wondering if those foods
(Pizza,chocolate cake,carrot cake) I mentioned earlier are bad. The answer is no they are not bad foods, they can be eating when you are healing the body with ever meal. In each post I reveal the diet that has taught me how to reverse my diabetes. I do not know if it will work for you but it has worked for me for 6 months with no more pre diabetes. I have a normal blood sugar level now You may see my diet

Click here Pre Diabetes Overweight

“I am diabetic what do i eat ? ” If that is your question I will tell you from my experience throw out the “Good food and Bad Food list” and get yourself a healing diet so you can eat what you like.


There are many people asking “ I am a Diabetic, now what?” You can reverse this says a new scientific health study. Diabetes is a growing illness, it is now affecting over 25 million people in the United States. This is an incredible number of people who are living with this illness. This is not an illness to play with... it kills! If you are saying “I am a diabetic now what?” Think natural reversal. I am glad I did.

Diabetes sneakily takes over the body

High blood sugar is not a good thing, it must be understood exactly what high blood sugar does in the body. Glucose is natural and good but when the levels are high it is a destroying poison in the body. This is why people lose their kidneys and legs. Many people with this illness will have to have their legs cut off due to the damaging effect of high blood sugar. The diabetic often will experience blurry vision as the blood glucose destroys the small vessels of the eyes. There is not one place in the body that the high blood sugar is not affecting. This is why the diabetic ages faster and dies in pain. If you are asking “ I am a diabetic now what?” think quick and swift natural reversal

What diets work and what does not work

A recent study in France showed that the rise in diabetes in part has been due to the failure of the typical sugar free diet. A sugar free diet has never reversed or cured anyone’s diabetes. The research showed that the average diabetes diet does not heal anything and this is why the diets do not work. I tried 6 natural diets that all failed then my 7th has given me a normal blood sugar for 6 months with NO DIABETES. My diet has reversed my diabetes in 4 weeks, I do not know if it will work for you but it works great for me. CLICK HERE I AM A DIABETIC NOW WHAT?

You do not have to use my diet but it does work like a charm for me, the key is healing the body. Take care and reverse it

Monday, August 15, 2011

Type 2 Diabetes how many Carbs per day? The lies about Carbs in Diet

Type 2 Diabetes how many carbs per day is causing a lot of confusion in people seeking a healthy diet. One of the problems with the health establishment is the demonizing of certain foods. The lies continue every day when it comes to diabetic foods. The biggest lie that was spread for almost 40 year is that sugar caused high blood sugar. Type 2 Diabetes how many carbs per day questions have also been causing confusion.

Understand for once and for all Carbs are not bad

The oldest most staple food group since the beginning of time is carbs. Vegetables, fruit and Grain are all healthy and they are also carbs. The healthy foods on earth are probably carbohydrates. The lack of carbs is why the diabetic is always weak and tired. The health gurus of today are a bunch of clowns. The lies are outrageous and they leave people worst off than when they started.

What the health gurus of today want you to believe is that carbs were fine for the last 6,000 years and then like magic carbs turned bad in the in 1990's

Type 2 Diabetes how many carbs per day questions are popping up all over the internet. This is due to the fact that people have bought the lies that carbs are the enemy.

I have reversed my diabetes for the last six months plus I eat and love carbs. With all the low carbs diets on the market today diabetes continues to blast higher. Obesity is also rising as the people realize that eliminating carbs are not the answer to reversing diabetes. My diet plan has reversed my diabetes and I eat what I like, I have discovered that healing is the missing element in these sugar free and Carbs free diets. Type 2 Diabetes how many carbs per day? Unfortunately this is the wrong question and it comes with bad answers.

My Diabetes diet worked for me but I cannot guarantee it will work for you. I love it but everyone is different. It may be seen here diabetic overweight

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Has anybody reversed their Pre diabetes? What I learned when I reversed Pre Diabetes

The first question I had was “Has anybody reversed their pre diabetes” This was my first question when I started down the road to healing my pre diabetic condition naturally. One of the most shocking things I discovered way that there were very few people who had actually cured their high blood sugar. I asked “Has anybody reversed their Pre diabetes” and I got a big fat zero in responses online.

The Journey down the natural healing path

I embarked on the road to natural healing by trying various “Natural cure diets” Almost all of them were a complete failure. They all started with the same advice which was the elimination of sugar. I later discovered that these diets did nothing to help my situation. My Ac1 level was high and so was my Blood Sugar. I have tried 7 naturally diets and made myself a human guinea pig. My last diet finally works and I am no longer diabetic. Now when someone asks me “Has anybody reversed their diabetes I have an answer and that answer is a big yes. My advice is that you do not have to use my diet. My diet works for me and gives me a normal blood sugar but you have to try it for yourself. My diet THE SPIRIT HAPPY DIET

The biggest lesson I learned

The biggest lesson I learned was that healing is the key to reversing pre diabetes or borderline diabetes. This is the main lesson that I learned at Spirit Happy. I can see now that the first 6 diabetes diets did not have any healing in them and this is why they failed. The typical sugar free diet is not enough to cure or reverse diabetes. I am now more educated about diabetes and find learning about it fun. I am very much an average male, I love food and drink. I love fast food and Milk shakes. I eat chocolate cake and carrot cake and still keep a normal blood sugar level. Has anybody reversed their pre diabetes? Yes... I have and I can say the right diet can literally save your life SEE HERE borderline diabetes diet

Friday, August 12, 2011

What foods should a Diabetic avoid? : Borderline Diabetes food to eat

What food (Foods) should a Borderline diabetic eat or avoid? This week there was a new health study that showed that the consumption of Hot Dogs could lead to diabetes. I am so thankful for my new diet plan that has given me a normal blood sugar for now half a year! I have learned how to eat to eliminate diabetes. What food should a borderline diabetic avoid or eat? The answer is in the healing. The average sugar free diet is a total failure and will not reverse your high blood sugar.

What is up with the Hot Dogs?

The problem is not really the Hot Dogs but the chemicals that create these processed foods. Meats like Hot Dogs and Bacon come with some very dangerous chemicals. When these meats are cooked the chemicals become even more damaging to the body. Does this mean that you cannot eat Hot Dogs and Bacon as a diabetic? Yes you can eat Hot Dogs! You can eat Hot Dogs and Bacon but you better have a healing diet that can remove all the crap chemicals that are in the food. What foods should a diabetic avoid or borderline diabetic eat? The answer is to find a healing diet! NOT A SUGAR FREE DIET

I was an average food loving guy with no health problems, I was about 20 pounds overweight. There is no history of diabetes in my family but I was shocked to discover I had Type 2 diabetes. In less than a week I was in a Pharmacy picking up the first prescriptions I ever had in my life.

Avoid Diabetic Medications

I will not go into the story of how the medications hurt my body but I will tell you that you can reverse this illness drug free. I have a steady Ac1 of 6.0 and Blood sugar of 86. I have held this for about have a year on my current healing diet. I am no better than anyone else, I am certain that anyone can do this when they learn how to eat to beat diabetes. The problem is that doctors often are quick to medicated. To be honest the average doctor does not know how to reverse diabetes. Doctors are trained to medicate not to do natural healing. I do not know if my diet will work for you as it does for me.

My current diet may be seen here. Click here what foods should a diabetic avoid

I do not know how it will work for you but it educated me on healing myself. Whether you try the diet I use or not, please do find a natural diabetes diet and skip the drugs.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Reverse or Cure Borderline Diabetes with Diet in Canada, England and USA

I am living proof that you can reverse or cure borderline diabetes. In Canada, England and the USA high blood sugar is a crisis. What I have learned from my diet plan is that high blood sugar is a disease that will be given to the people due to food chemicals. You literally have to learn how to beat the illness. To reverse or cure borderline diabetes is doable, I am living proof. In the USA, Canada and England diabetes has spread like wild fire, it is clear that something is wrong with the food.

Do not believe the nonsense that you have given yourself diabetes by stuffing your mouth with Big Macs every night. This is complete nonsense. I was about 20 pounds overweight and was a typical guy who loved food but nothing extreme. I discovered I was diabetic when I knew something was not right in my body. I was often dizzy and thirsty. I had tingling toes and fingers. I discovered my blood sugar was about 150 and Ac1 9.0

Reverse/Cure Diabetes with Diet or with Medications?

To my new readers, I must admit that I did not know I could reverse diabetes without drugs. I was given Actos (a very bad diabetic drug) and it almost ruined my heart. The purpose of this post is to inform the reader that you do not need medications for Type 2 Diabetes. In the critical countries affected by diabetes like England, Canada, USA and Australia please become aware that a specialized diet is all you need. Every time I hear about the danger of another diabetic blood sugar medication I feel sad because I also use to take these horrible drugs. I am now 6 month free of all diabetes and very grateful. I learned the hard way by trying 6 different natural diets before my current one (which works great for me) The right Borderline Diabetes diet can literally save your life


The drugmakers spend millions and have doctors ready to get you to swallow their medications but we as a people can spread the word we do not need their drugs to cure or reverse Borderline diabetes

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pre Diabetes Ac1: How to get a normal diabetic Ac1 Level

How to get a normal Ac1 level should be the goal of not just diabetics but all people. A normal blood sugar level can mean the difference between life and death. There is a blood sugar problem epidemic that has swept much of the world. The affects are deadly and life altering. This is not an illness to toy with. How to get a normal Ac1 level? Is a question that millions are now asking. It is important to know what high glucose does not destroy the body.

High Blood sugar is an invading enemy

High sugar is a poison in the body. The cells of the body are eating away be the extreme high level of blood sugar. Diabetic blood sugar levels must be recognized as a poison in the body. As the high level of glucose circulates it is painfully taking away the function of the body. The diabetic may go blind as the damage circulates through the small eye vessels. How to get a normal Ac1 is a critical question. Millions of diabetics have had their legs removed due to the death of the legs from the blood sugar.

What Science revealed about the Pre Diabetes diet

Scientist have studied the why the typical diabetes diet does not work. Heath researchers in Greece have discovered that the failure of the sugar free diet is that it does not heal the illness. Avoiding sugar has never reversed anybody's diabetes. The Diabetic has an insulin problem not a sugar problem. How to get a normal Ac1 level? The answer is healing the illness

Mu diet is giving me a normal blood sugar level. It works for me without drugs. I cannot say it will work for you but it has given me a normal Blood sugar for months. SEE HERE normal Ac1

I just follow it to the letter and it is working

Again, It works for me but I cannot say it will work for you. Either way do find a natural diet that can reverse your Ac1 and avoid the drugs

Sunday, July 24, 2011


“Pre diabetes and overweight” was what my doctor said as he looked at my test results 8 months ago. I was not very fat at all but I did need to lose about 20 pounds. I have discovered a lot on my diet journey

As I read the latest obesity statistics and see the media portrayal of us as fat slobs I have to shake my head. Most people who have Pre diabetes and overweight issues are not in McDonald’s 24 hours a day. We have a weight problem and this is an illness

The media coverage of obesity is horrible, there is so much misinformation out there it is scary. I think there is a media campaign against people with type 2 diabetes and who carry some extra fat. If you are overweight (as I was and i still battle weight issues) do not listen to the media smear campaign

You can very much reverse type 2 diabetes and obesity as I have. I am not 100 percent where I want to be but I am on my way

There seems to be a sneaky joy that the media gets in making fun of fat people. They often picture the fattest people they can find in obesity stories. The image the media leaves the viewer with is that those overweight are dumb/fat with no self control

1)Food is a pleasure and I enjoy it completely.

2)I will not feel guilty about eating. Guilty about ENJOYING food leads to eating disorders

“Pre diabetes and overweight” was what my doctor labeled me but my bigger problem started with his diabetic medications

Those who read this site know that diabetes medications caused me swollen legs and a heart problem. I will not take diabetes drugs again

Some good news...My current diet is working. I have been on the Spirit Happy diet plan for the last 6 months and I have (SO FAR) reversed my diabetes( I am not longer pre diabetic but i am still watching my blood sugar) my AC1 is 6.0 and I have lost about 18 pounds as of today. I will report my progress on this diet in a future post. My current diet can be seen here pre diabetes overweight

Be wise to the media campaign against those who battle weight issues like I do. Remember you can take control and lose the weight and pre diabetes.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I learned that a borderline diabetes diet needs to lose the diet soda only last year. It is one of the first lesson we learn when I started using the Spirit Happy Diet. I started the diet about six months ago and have lost good weight. My Ac1 levels are really great now as well. It is important to know what to eat when you are a diabetic. A borderline diabetes diet must drop the diet soda. Just this week it was shown in a study that diet soda actually makes you fat!

The facts: Here are the facts on diet soda, the chemicals in the soda react with the cells of the body to hold fat. In fact, diet soda causes the waistline to get larger! I have never been a fan of diet soda for diabetes. Blood sugar is not controlled by how much sugar you eat. Sugar does NOT cause diabetes. Diabetics are fooled into thinking that eating “sugar free food” means that their diabetes will be under control and this is a lie. I have a normal blood sugar now but I still watch it every week. A borderline diabetes diet must be built on healing the body, this is how I was taught on my current diet plan.

The diet soda makers have really feed on the ignorance of the people. They have pushed a poison product to millions of people who thought they were doing something good to lose weight. How bad is diet soda? The chemicals in diet soda was shown in a demonstration to take paint off of walls! Why would you put that in your intestines and your bloodstream? This is why people get fat on diet soda. Sugar is fine in moderation, there is no need for diet soda in the borderline diabetes diet or any diets.

My current diet may be seen here borderline diabetes diet

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pre Diabetes what to eat: I have Pre diabetes what can I eat?

If you have Pre diabetes and are wondering what to eat I can say I have been in the same situation. Before I found out the truth about diabetes I was following the typical diabetic diet that really made no difference on my blood sugar. The typical sugar fee diabetes diet does not work.( I now have learned how to reverse diabetes without drugs). I looked in the fridge and thought “Pre diabetes what to eat?”

Afraid of Sugar: I was like all the other diabetics, I was afraid of sugar and thought that as along as I avoid sugar I would be OK. I was surprised to find that avoiding sugar did not reverse my diabetes. It wasn’t until later that I found out that sugar does not cause diabetes. My diabetes medication was also messing with me, I later found out that diabetic medications are not safe. I know keep a normal blood sugar without medication, my current diet has worked for 6 months with a steady blood sugar and Ac1 level.

The “Pre diabetes what to eat” Question was looking me right in the eye. First, I tried almost all the sugar free diabetes diets on the market and nothing worked. I still had an elevated blood sugar level, I tried the move from sugar to artificial sweeteners and still nothing worked. It was not until I started my current diet that I discovered that the true cause of diabetes is food chemicals. I learned that sugar is not the real problem. My current diet with the Spirit Happy Diet people is working, I have held a normal blood sugar for almost half a year. The Spirit Happy Diet secret is that they educate you on what really raises blood sugar and showed me how to reverse it.

I was about 20 pounds over weight when my blood sugar was discovered to be high, I am still slightly overweight. I am a food lover and will not stop loving food. I will not allow diabetes to stop my life. I am no longer asking the Pre diabetes what to eat question. I can say I have currently reversed my diabetes without drugs but I am still on guard. To those pre diabetic you can try the diet I use or you can try your own(It is up to you). The key is to make sure it is a healing diet.

My current diet here SPIIRT HAPPY DIET

Monday, March 14, 2011

Borderline Diabetes and the lie about being SKINNY

May people believe the lie that skinny people are healthy. Borderline diabetes and full diabetes affects people of all weights. I learned this and I get a lot of email from skinny people asking me the best way to reverse the illness. Many people tell me that they are very thin and still type 2 diabetes or have borderline diabetes. So,What is really healthy?

Skinny does NOT equal healthy and it can mean illness

We live in a world where our thoughts are influenced heavily by the media. Most people do not really know how much the media influences them. A recent study showed that people did not realize how much they were influenced in determining who was pretty,ugly,fat or success all from only 2 hours of television. (Image what a life time of television does to your mind!)

Hidden cameras showed that television determined who people thought was attractive.

Studies show that skinny people do not live longer and often have a shorter life span. Borderline diabetes is serious and it can shorten your life but it affects all people. I am overweight but nothing extreme, I have been reversing my diabetes naturally and it is working. I have a Blood sugar of 111 (down from 135) on the Spirit Happy diet, I am still trying this diet but I do like it so far

A Study from a University in Germany proved that Diabetes is about Impaired Glucose Intolerance NOT FAT and Skinny

What the German researchers discovered is that if you have a Glucose to Insulin problem you get diabetes regardless of Fat or Skinny. This problem is growing worldwide and we do have a diabetes and Obesity problem due to this. My current diet is healing my Glucose problem NOT medicating it. This is how I am reversing the illness drug free.

The Media loves to beat up on people who have some fat on the body. I am a very average guy and I love food. Yes I still eat pizza,cake,Ice cream and whatever I like. I learned it is how you eat and I learned how to eat chemical free. This is why I dropped all my diabetes medications and will never go back! This is why I have held a good blood sugar without the use of the medications. No more Metformin and Actos for me!

Borderline Diabetes and full diabetes is no joke it can help you end your life but the media lies about just get skinny is a lot of nonsense. Many skinny people are sicker than the heavy person. I suggest that people turn the television off or at least cut it down. Do not watch sitcoms they are brain garbage nonsense. They influence you and can give you low self esteem.

Here is a good read called Finding the missing ingredient in the Borderline Diabetes Diet

Here Borderline diabetes diet

Take care

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Doctors do not tell you about Borderline diabetes

One of the most dissatisfying things about Borderline diabetes is doctors who do not tell you it can be reversed without drugs. In my experience with this illness I have seen 4 doctors and was put on 3 medications.( I do not not use medications any longer and am holding a normal blood sugar with my special diet) Borderline diabetes is reversible with diet alone. I am currently doing it and it is working well. My first doctor gave me the news that I was Pre diabetic and he shook his head like it was over for me

The doctor said he was going to prescribe Actos and Metformin ( I later found out both drugs harmed my body and are dangerous). My blood sugar was about 135 and I thought I would be on these drugs forever. Later I learned that you can reverse this on your own. It was not easy because I also believed the lie about drugs. The doctor never mentioned this could be reversed without drugs. Often doctors have a set of answers that they give to a patient depending on what the illness is. They have a standard set of answers while you sit there powerless waiting for these people to tell you what is wrong with “You”

The Standard Borderline Diabetes diet and medications were given to me

He gave me the sugar free diet I sat silent and he wrote out medications. The medications blew my feet up and caused heart palpitations. The medications were setting me up for a heart attack. Doctors are just people, they are not the “Final answer..they are often wrong”. This is not Hollywood but your health and you have to take charge. I am not against doctors but I know that I know a lot more about Diabetes than many of them do. Do not fall for the T.V image of doctors, you can learn and heal yourself. Here is a good article on the key ingredient missing from the Pre diabetic diet SEE HERE borderline diabetes

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Here Comes another Dangerous Diabetes Drug: and Why you should GO natural

Borderline Diabetes people and Full Diabetics take note that another Dangerous diabetes drug has been approved for wider usage. The Diabetic Drug Onglyza has been approved for those who have kidney and eye sight (renal) problems from diabetes. Why is this bad news for you? Drug companies make Billions more money if a Borderline Diabetes or Diabetic Drug can be prescribed for more complications.

Now you may think, I don't care how much money they make as long as I get healed. Alright but here are the fact..You won't get healed!

The Drugs will not heal and they will probably hurt you while the Big Drug makers get richer. Here is the truth about Onglyza and why you should NOT take it

It is horrible for lowering blood sugar. Readers of this site know we expose crappy medications. This drug was so weak it lowered blood sugar less than 3%! If your blood sugar is 180 this drug might get you down to 172(on average) STILL STROKE AND DANGER LEVEL.

Borderline Diabetes and full Diabetes can be reversed better than this with a natural”healing” diet. I have lower my Blood sugar more than this completely naturally (mor on this later)

The Info on this drug Onglyza gets worst: The drug fights ( very poorly) to lower blood sugar by ruining your immune system. It lowers your white blood cells while giving a weak blood sugar lowering. A diabetic needs a healthy immune system to fight of the poison blood sugar NOT a lowered immune system. Lowering white blood cells can open you up to cancer! I was once on these horrible diabetes drugs but NO MORE!

You can reverse borderline diabetes with diet( but it MUST be the right one!). Most diabetes diets have no real affect and healing. I have tried many and most are a waste of time. A Pre Diabetes Diet healing must be natural. I once were put on these dangerous diabetic medications but never again. I have been tested and my heart was affected.

Read this site and go natural! It is working for me
Here is the diet that is working for me so far, they are in 10 countries and it is working CLICK HERE
Borderline Diabetes

I will not go back to diabetic drugs, they are not needed in almost all cases

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Diabetes numb toes: Borderline Diabetes warning of numb toes

I realized that I really had a blood sugar problem when my diabetes numb toes hit me by surprise. This was a clear sign that there were very bad things happening in my body. At the time I did not realize I was in danger of losing my toes.Diabetes numb toes is horribly dangerous...Numbness is sneaky. You may not even realize that you cannot feel your toes

This is Serious Business

How do you find out you cannot feel your toes? For me I was watching television one night and tried to remove my socks, it was weird because I touched my toes but could not really feel them. This is a very weird thing to describe. At first I was shocked but like most people I tried to dismiss it as my foot just falling asleep. Diabetes numb toes “IS” serious, once the nerves are really damaged you may have to have the toes removed. Now that I look back on those early days I was so ignorant of how powerful a constantly high blood sugar really is. I can tell you from experience do not mess around with blood sugar it can take your body apart

I am mildly overweight, maybe 20 pounds over my ideal weight. I am an average guy with no real history of any health problems. Diabetes can strike anyone “once the body is not producing good insulin”. Diabetes numb toes is always a sign that the body is not doing very well. Any flood of high blood sugar is a sign that damage is being done to the kidney, heart, and reproductive system. Currently there are no medications that reverse the foot condition.

I am using the European natural Foot cure diet and it has taken away the numbness

SEE HERE Diabetes toes numbness

Those who follow this site know that I am reversing my diabetes drug free with diet alone. I have turned myself into a human guinea pig and experiment with different natural diets, I will accept nothing less than a cure. The current diet I am using is working well

Another article on Numbness from Philadelphia News Diabetes numb toes